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Posted: 2011/11/08 4:22 am Post subject: Raid: Gruul's Lair
Congrats on all who raided with us on Magtheirdon's Lair! For the next raid that we will be running this Saturday is Gruul's Lair. There will be two bosses in this raid instead of one like in the last run. So better chance for more gear and rewards for everyone.
We'll be running the raid at 2p.m. server time again, however we can change the time to an earlier or later hour if anyone has plans on that day.
Also! If anyone was curious as to why we didn't get the guild achievement for Magthierdon's Lair, it's 'cause we need at least a minimum of 8 players from the same guild and we only had 7 that ran that day. :3
Here is the link to study up on raid and the bosses, just click on the main bosses names and it will direct you to a link of strategies.