Joined: 22 Oct 2011 Posts: 8
re: Raid: Magtheridon's Lair
by Shicon on 2011/11/04 2:53 am
We'll be running a level 70 raid in Outlands on November 5th at 2 p.m. server time. All level 70's and up are welcome to take part in this raid. To sign up just click on the WoW calendar in the game, click on the guild event posted and sign up or (if wow is being retarded with you that day) send a reply to this message with the character's name you will be raiding with.
If your not high enough to run this raid, don't worry we'll be running this raid again and a lot more with it. :3
For those who never ran Magtheridon's Lair heres a few site's to study up or get an idea about the raid.