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PostPosted: 2014/06/14 4:24 pm    Post subject: GOW Guild Runs

GOW Runs - We are a flexable guild that loves to run everything from New content to Old content; Transmog to Achievements. Feel free to suggest runs that you need or would like. If we cant do them at the time, we will get it on the calendar.  

calendarCommon Guild Runs are:
SOO Flex Achievement run - Tues night around 6:30p
Firelands and DS Runs (achieves if needed) - Sunday afternoons
Glory Runs MOP or Cata - As needed 
Everything else under the WOW sun - As needed

CalendarGOW Team Runs are:
CUC Raid Team - Weds 6:15p - 8:30p & Sat 4:15p - 8:30p
(See Darkaeris if you are interested in being a team alt.)

Mac's Raid Team - Fri 6:15p - 8:30p
(See Macarothhunt if you are interested in being a team alt.)

*All times listed are server. Team alts will have special consideration when a spot opens up.


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