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PostPosted: 2015/09/19 1:07 am    Post subject: CuC Raiding

Main Raid Team Announcement. - Here is a repost of Weds. Raid announcement.


1) Swap blasters are banned from our main raid runs. You will be kicked from the run if caught swapping. 

2) We are not a hardcore team but that doesn’t mean that our team is any less important. I am asking that all raiders reframe from killing bosses that our team will be or might be killing for the week. Meaning do not be loot locked for our runs. If you are found to be loot lock you will be remove from the remainder of the run. Too many times and you will no longer be a raider on our team. Every raider gave a commitment when joining our team and I expect our team to be your top priority, if it is not, I ask that you please leave and find yourself a new team. Guys feel free to run alts as long as they aren't slated to fill in for main team run. Or run bosses that our a couple bosses passed our progression.

3) Thank you from the bank to everyone that donated mats, items donated for gold or that just donated gold. Every little bit helps and gets the raid running smoothly.

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